Welcome to Braces By Abbadent

We are committed to providing quality service to residents located In the Dubuque, IA area. Our website has additional information about the following topics: Affordable Braces, Braces, Clear Aligners, Invisalign Dentist, Invisalign Near Me, Clear Braces and Retainers.

Recent Posts

When Is A Palatal Expander Necessary?

When Is A Palatal Expander Necessary?

Sometimes, as they grow up, some children develop a narrow upper jaw. Having a narrow jaw can lead to dental problems down the road, such as bite problems or tooth decay. Palatal expanders may be able to help. Understanding narrow jaws can help your child receive the necessary care and improve the overall dental health…

Understanding Space Maintainers: Benefits For Growing Smiles

Understanding Space Maintainers: Benefits For Growing Smiles

As their name suggests, space maintainers preserve the space in the gum tissue after a tooth is prematurely lost. We reserve them primarily for children who lose a primary or baby tooth to prevent the ramifications of tooth loss from impacting their still-developing smile. However, they also benefit anyone who has lost a secondary or…